Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Giving Tuesday!

Early this morning my dog, Lila, and I headed out for our usual walk. For her it was an exciting adventure. For me it was an exercise in how many layers could I possibly put on before heading out. And while I have a warm house to go home to after our walk in the 24 degree weather, there are too many people and their beloved pets who don't.

Sadder still is the fact that the most recent homeless survey shows 10% of the homeless in my community have children under 18.
These thoughts were in my head as I logged into my Facebook account and was reminded that, at least here in the United States, it is Giving Tuesday. I chose to express my gratitude by donating where my son and I regularly volunteer, the Portland Animal Welfare Team (PAW Team)

At PAW Team, 60% of their clients are families. Pets are so vital to those who have lost everything else. They rely on donations such as mine and yours to keep families together during the most difficult times of their lives. 
Your donation of $35 provides one homeless family's cherished pet with up to $300 in goods and services, including vaccines, veterinarian exam, and pet supplies.

Join the PAW Team and donate here!
If you are under 36, a donation of $50 or more saves your seat on the Pabst PAW Team Party Bus! 

Be sure to check the under 36 box at the bottom of the check out page.

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