Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Quick, Powerful and To the Point!

What do you picture when you imagine working with a life coach? Sitting on a couch talking? Talking on your phone or on Skype chatting?

We don't always have time for chats in person or on the phone. Sometimes we need some quick help that allows us to quickly move forward. 

This holiday season, I found out how powerful texting can be in those moments. I received a text from one of my clients who was at work and in tears. Below are her own words describing the situation.

"In the past, I used to avoid holidays and preferred to be alone and isolated. I would get very depressed by the thought of holidays even. Elana encouraged me to try an experiment, which she called re-framing.
I focused on what I liked about holidays instead of what I did not like. For example, I focused on friends, reindeer, holiday spirit, good food, community, charity, and stuff that actually makes me happy. The more I focused on what makes me happy, instead of what I dreaded, I felt the joy start to build. We did all this work by text, not even in person. Elana is a true miracle worker and very gifted at what she does.
Because of her, I had my first happy holiday in years."
- Terry, Portland, Oregon

Hearing Terry describe how she was able to joyfully engage in her celebration this year and invite friends and family I realized how powerful a tool texting could be.

  • The normal chit-chat that so often feels like a necessary part of verbal conversation. Texting by nature is brief and to the point. This allowed Terry and I to create a very powerful interaction that ended up creating a new holiday reality for her. 
  • Reading the words shared by the other person allowed us to side step our human tendency to plan our response while listening. Each of us were more fully focused what we each shared. We had the time to read, reread, and reflect on what we each said before we responded. Our words became even more deliberate and intentional.
This incredible interaction was one of the best holiday gifts I received! And I want to share it with you! Check out how you can claim your gift here!