Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ask! You Might Get A Yes!

Recently at a church social, I was conversing with a woman about Speak Out Sunday. In the course of the discussion, we began discussion about my business and how I want to use my skills to help others who are rebuilding their lives after leaving domestic violence. I shared how I was looking to partner with other professionals such as therapists to share referrals. Come to find out, she was a therapist. She actually works with many women who could use my services at some point in their process and was very open to referring them to me. 

As I excitedly relayed the incident to a friend, it dawned on me, when I actually ask, I often receive what I have requested. That realization made me ponder what is different.

Emotional Drive

While there are many things I have wanted that don't materialize. And while I really wanted them, my emotional drive didn't outweigh my fear, the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach that holds me back. When I have a strong emotional drive, I can move past the fear and several other things start to happen.


Those times when I have seen things happen like magic, I find I can usually see the results. Even if what I am looking for is more abstract, there is an image that symbolizes the results. For example, when I was wanted an option that allowed me to work full time on my business while providing me with a measure of financial security. Not exactly a desire that is easy to visualize. Yet the image on the card of the Faery Stallion represented triumphantly charging ahead to victory without anyone or anything standing in my way. I could picture that card with my eyes closed. Every time I told myself what I wanted, the image of the card popped into my head.


Receiving my desires, requires me to be clear about what I actually want to ask for. When talking to the therapist in my church, I new exactly what I wanted. I wanted to create a referral partnership.

Make the Ask

All the other steps above will do me no good if I don't actually make the ask. I can't hope that others will read my mind or even guess what I want. I actually have to open my mouth and ask.

I know it sounds so simple and magical. But I've been astounded many times at the results I get when I know what I want and ask for it.

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